THIS is why we need Urban Design.

[Module 1] So when being first introduced to Urban Design i thought my personal experience with architecture would give me some insight to the field. It did, but by far not enough. The fact that all building disciplines deal with urban design and study urban design then why do we need urban designers? I went on and did some research and found some examples and articles and will go over some projects and aspects why we DEFINITELY need Urban Designers and not just other disciplines that know the general aspects. First i wanted to take a look at San Diego, CA. Now San Diego is one of the safest large cities in the country however often inhabitants of the city do not feel this way. This is not because of crime or persons in general it is because bad urban design has made streets feel isolating and uncomfortable. There is a theory that states that having an architectural visualization of public or private through doorways, walkways, frontyards, and signage (meaning private) and increa...