A Look at an Attainable Sustainable Future

Urban Design is incredibly vast and multidisciplinary this makes it that we can use it to envision many possible futures. In my personal view of the future all the disciplines within urban design create together under one umbrella, much as they do now (but perhaps more cohesive), to improve quality of life, human experience, and our impact on our earth. I'm going to discuss some sustainability aspects as well as some design movements that are vital to urban designs future development in three different proposed projects. All three projects will be of different scale but will all be dealing with the same genre aspect of sustainability and that is urban farming. Starting with an urban farming project proposed at a large scale the Shanghai Urban Farming District. This project designed by Sasaki associates is set to realize a 100-hectare Sunqiao Urban Agricultural District. This concept was originally developed for the growing food demand in the region, but architecturally the conc...